

10 Must-Have Supplies for Every Macrame Artist

Macrame, the art of knotting cord into intricate patterns, has surged in popularity as a creative and versatile craft. Whether you’re a beginner just starting your journey or a seasoned artist looking to expand your toolkit, having the right supplies is essential for bringing your macrame projects to life. Here’s a curated list of 10 must-have supplies that every macrame artist needs in their arsenal.

1. Cord

The cornerstone of all macrame projects, the choice of cord can significantly affect the look and feel of your final piece. Macrame cords come in various materials (cotton, hemp, jute, synthetic fibers) and sizes. Beginners might start with a medium-thickness cotton cord for ease of use.

2. Dowels, Rings, and Rods

These items serve as the foundation for hanging macrame projects. Wooden dowels and rods are popular for wall hangings and plant hangers, while metal or wooden rings are used for dream catchers, lanterns, and other circular designs.

3. Scissors

A sharp pair of scissors is crucial for clean, precise cuts. Investing in a good quality pair ensures smooth cutting through thick and thin cords alike, making your crafting process much more manageable.

4. Measuring Tape

Accuracy is key in macrame, especially for larger projects or when creating multiple items of the same size. A flexible measuring tape allows you to measure lengths of cord accurately and ensure your project dimensions are correct.

5. Comb

A wide-tooth comb or a special macrame brush is essential for fringing and fluffing the ends of your projects, giving them a polished and professional look. This tool is particularly useful for achieving the popular feathery texture in wall hangings and other decorative pieces.

6. Crochet Hooks

Crochet hooks can be invaluable for pulling cords through tight spaces, adding beads, or making intricate knots. Having a set of hooks in various sizes can expand the range of techniques you can employ in your designs.

7. Beads

Incorporating beads into your macrame work can add interest, texture, and personal flair. Wooden, ceramic, glass, or metal beads with large holes are popular choices that can complement the natural look of macrame cord.

8. Clips and Pins

Bulldog clips, clothespins, or T-pins can be used to secure your work to a macrame board or keep cords organized while you knot. They’re particularly helpful for complex projects with multiple cords.

9. Macrame Board or Foam Board

A macrame board or a large foam board provides a sturdy surface for pinning and knotting your projects. It helps keep your work flat and tension even, which is especially useful for intricate patterns or when first learning new knots.

10. Inspirational Resources

Books, magazines, online tutorials, and patterns are invaluable resources for macrame artists of all levels. They can provide inspiration, teach new techniques, and offer guidance on projects, from simple knots to elaborate wall hangings.


Having the right tools and materials at your fingertips can make the difference between a frustrating attempt and a rewarding crafting experience. This list of must-have supplies for every macrame artist will ensure you’re well-equipped to tackle any project you dream up, allowing your creativity and skill to flourish. As you grow in your macrame journey, you may find additional tools and materials that suit your particular style and technique, further expanding your artistic capabilities.

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